Wear analysis and installation instructions of sprockets
 Apr 22, 2022|View:3375

Sprockets that wear out more than a critical point will cause the welded link chain to wear out quickly and should be replaced as soon as possible. But how to judge the degree of wear, when to replace the sprocket, is a very vague concept, today we will talk about this issue.


Usually, if the wear depth has reached 10%, the sprocket has reached its service life and needs to be replaced. It is worth noting that low-priced and poor-quality sprockets are not suitable for this evaluation, their wear is more serious. SHINING sprockets offer one year warranty, we can provide the material report, and heat treatment can be customized to clients' needs. High-quality sprockets also go a long way to extend the service life of chains.

When replacing a sprocket, it is a good idea to check the alignment of the sprocket with its mounting shaft. Misaligned sprockets are one cause of premature wear on welded links. Accurate alignment of shafts and sprockets provides even load distribution across the entire width of the welded link chain and significantly increases service life. Also, check-in advance whether there is any deviation in the surface of each part of the sprocket.

If there is an end-to-end drift of the shaft, leave an appropriate allowance so that the sprocket is properly aligned in the middle of the drift. When alignment is within the closest practical limit, drive the key home and finally check the sprocket alignment. If you also install the new welded link chain, don't forget to lubricate it properly. After unpacking, the lubrication on the welded link chain is only sufficient to prevent corrosion and assist in the initial laying.

In some industrial applications, unlubricated, harsh environments, regular flushing, and harsh conditions can degrade the performance of the sprocket and lead to rapid wear. We need to try to avoid these situations from happening.

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