Looking back to keep moving forward 2022
 Feb 09, 2023|View:1800

原It’s been indeed a complicated time but before we move on to 2023 we would be glad to share with you our latest post from 2019 to 2022.

It’s been indeed a complicated time but before we move on to 2023 we would be glad to share with you our latest post from 2019 to 2022.

1. Set up the customer relationship management System, creating standard and high-efficiency internal processes.

2. Focus on team discussion and training, held monthly product seminars and equipment operation training, creating more opportunities and strengthening the team's capabilities.

3. Improvement of our internal and external communication, more transparency in what we do and how we communicate it.

4. Improve the logo and created new catalogs, more engagement with our clients & partners through social media, mainly LinkedIn and Facebook, and our new website.

5. Shorten the delivery period while improving our client’s satisfaction.

Looking back to these last 3 years, we can be very proud of what we have learned and achieved, thanks to everybody in the SHINING team.

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